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2970 Myers St
  • Riverside
  • /
  • CA
  • /
  • 92503
$ 1.04/SF/Month
53,231 SF
Property Summary
  • Property Type: Industrial
  • Monthly Rent PSF: $ 1.04
  • Total Space Available: 53,231 SF
  • Smallest Space:
  • Largest Space: 53,231 SF
  • Maximum Contiguous:
  • Construction Status: Existing
  • Year Built: 1973
  • RBA (Sq. Ft.): 53,231 SF
  • Lot Size (Sq. Ft.): 175,547 SF
  • Min. Clearance Ht: 18'
  • Grade Level Loading: 8
Property Highlights
Sublease Through 5/31/2026
Direct deal is possible.
±53,231 SF Industrial Building Available For Sublease
Close Proximity to 91 Freeway
18' - 22' Clear Height
Fenced Lot
Available Space
  • Unit #:
  • 123
  • Space Available: 53,231 SF
  • Office Sq. Ft.: 13,800 SF
  • Min. Divisible:
  • Max. Contiguous:
  • Mo. Rent PSF: $ 1.04
  • Rent Type: G
  • Unit/Suite Comments:
    Sublease Through 5/31/2026
    Direct deal is possible.
    ±53,231 SF Industrial Building Available For Sublease
    Close Proximity to 91 Freeway
    18' - 22' Clear Height
    Fenced Lot